Sedation Dentistry
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More About Sedation Dentistry
Our dentists can use conscious sedation as a technique to depress the central nervous system and reduce dental fear and anxiety. This allows our dentists to complete treatment while verbal contact with the patient is maintained throughout the period of sedation. Conscious sedation retains the patient’s ability to maintain a patent airway independently and continuously.
Conscious sedation is a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which the patient responds purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation. No interventions are required to maintain a patent airway, and spontaneous ventilation is adequate. Cardiovascular function is usually maintained.
Careful pre-sedation evaluation with respect to airway, fasting, and understanding about the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drugs must be established. Availability of airway management equipment, venous access, and appropriate intraoperative monitoring and well-trained staff in the recovery area must be ensured.
Conscious sedation can be administered through various routes such as oral, intramuscular, intravenous, and inhalational.
We strive to...
Be your trusted Mission Viejo dentist
Educate ourselfs and continue to learn
Use modern, efficient dental equiptment
Push our professional team to be the best
Insurance & Billing
Attaining the smile you’ve always wanted is as important to you as it is to us, and helping you affordably achieve that smile is our main goal. Our qualified financial team will do everything to ensure that expense does not prevent you from receiving the quality care you need and desire. Please contact our friendly staff to learn more about Insurance & Billing.
Why Choose Our Practice
Kind & Hospitable
With professional dental services, a comfortable environment, and welcoming care, our team want to help you make those remarkable moments in your life shine brighter with your smile.
Flexible Financing Options
Our qualified financial team will do all it can to make sure that expense does not prevent you from receiving the quality care you need and desire. We have developed different financial options to help you facilitate your goals.
Convenient Location
We serve the great people of Mission Viejo and Orange County. We look forward to providing you with the professional, progressive dental care and customer service our patients have come to expect.
Our Satisfied Patients
At Dentist 4U we love our patients. We are grateful to have such awesome patients who have taken time to share their experiences on Google, Facebook, and other online sources.